Matthew Evenden
Research Area
York University, 2000, PhD
York University, MA
Queen’s University, BA, Honours
My research lies in environmental history and water history and focuses on the history and politics of large rivers, including controversies over dams, fisheries, as well as water supply and quality. Representative publications include Fish versus Power: An Environmental History of the Fraser River (Cambridge UP 2004), The River Returns: An Environmental History of the Bow (MQUP 2009), co-authored with Christopher Armstrong and H.V. Nelles, and Allied Power: Mobilizing Hydro-Electricity during Canada’s Second World War (Toronto UP 2015). I am currently developing a new project on the ecological, economic and social consequences of solid ballast use in the Age of Sail, which connects with my previous research on rivers and water, but also addresses ocean environments and the history of globalization.
Evenden, M. 2022. Water Purity. Health, and Expertise: Debating Fluoridation in Vancouver during the 1950s. Canadian Journal of Health History 39 (2): 311-339. doi:
Parrinello, G. Serneri, S. N. Bhattacharyya, D. Morgan, R. A. Ross, C. Pietz, D. and M. Evenden. Rethinking the Entangled History of Water and Power. Contemporanea XXV (2): 319-344. doi: 10.1409/103867
Evenden, M. 2021. Stowaway Beetles: Carl Lindroth, the Ballast Theory and Trans-Atlantic Science in the Cold War. Environmental History 26(3): 508-532.
Cohn, J. Evenden, M. and Landry, M. 2020. Water powers: the Second World War and the mobilization of hydroelectricity in Canada, the United States, and Germany. Journal of Global History 15(1): 123-147. doi:
Evenden, M. 2019. Debating water purity and expertise: the chlorination controversy in Vancouver during the Second World War. Journal of Historical Geography 65: 85-95. doi: